Two women sporting blue wigs attend San Francisco Pride.

11 Events That Showcase San Francisco's Costume Culture

因为贝博体彩app一直以来都很重视大胆的自我表达, and of being a place where everyone is always welcome, 当你在这里的时候,你可以随意打扮.

It all began with the Summer of Love, 当城市的风格从根本上打破了时代的一致性. Of course, it’s no fun to dress up alone. So, San Franciscans created parties, 游行和其他活动,以便有机会从他们的服装衣橱里拿出一些东西.

时至今日,在这座城市的这些活动中,我们仍能感受到这份遗产. 无论你是想通过观察或首次亮相你自己的服装来改善你的Instagram, there's something for everyone.


Brides of March

No, this one has nothing to do with Julius Caesar. “三月新娘”是一个愚蠢的聚会,它重复着历史上著名的日子,邀请所有的参与者——无论男女——穿上婚纱,参加在联合广场上的酒吧聚会. 这项活动始于20年前,现在已经蔓延到全国各地.


Show off your shamrocks on St. 在贝博体彩app的Polk街庆祝帕特里克节 biggest annual bar crawls. 穿上你最具创意的凯尔特服装,尽可能多地去你最喜欢的附近酒吧.

Hunky Jesus Contest

Every Easter, “永久放纵姐妹”是一个传奇的变装皇后乐队,她们穿着修女的习惯,化妆让你停止在你的路线上——在贝博体彩app举办了一场“性感耶稣”比赛,以寻找最性感的救世主. Blasphemous? Possibly. Hilarious? Absolutely.

Bring Your Own Big Wheel Race

Recapture your youth at the Bring Your Own Big Wheel Race. Held every spring, 这项仅在贝博体彩app举办的赛事中,盛装的参赛者聚集在波特雷罗山第20街和佛蒙特街的交汇处. 然后他们骑着自己的塑料小车从危险的山上下来. We're not kidding about the course; this stretch of Vermont Street is narrower, steeper, and "crooked-er" than famous Lombard Street!

Bay to Breakers

A longstanding tradition in the city, the Bay to Breakers race started as a competition. With the introduction of wacky costumes, 它逐渐演变成一个为期一天的街头集市,更多的是狂欢而不是真正的跑步. Here are the best areas to stay for Bay to Breakers.



在教会区的街道上拥抱整个拉丁世界 Carnaval,一个为期一个周末的庆祝活动,包括桑巴舞、萨尔萨舞、低骑手舞等等. Parade performers are decked out in elaborate, 庆祝国际文化的传统服装. Make sure your own plumage turns a few heads.

San Francisco Pride

You’ll find every color of the rainbow at San Francisco Pride. 1970年开始的一小撮愤怒的游行者已经发展成为一场骄傲和积极的一百多万人的盛会. Be a part of this diverse celebration. 


Folsom Street Fair

All manner of straps, chaps and harnesses make Folsom Street Fair one of the largest leather festivals in the world. Of course, 你可以自由地穿着平常的街头服装出现,通过其他与会者来感受生活. There's no judgment here; just don’t bring the kids.

How Weird Street Faire

一年一度的庆祝活动,庆祝这座城市最奇怪的过度行为 How Weird Street Faire 现在是疯狂的服装和电子音乐的第二个十年吗. 这也是一个促进世界和平组织的筹款活动,所以你怎么能不参加呢? Visitors are encouraged to participate; the more outrageous your costume, the better.


即使某个节日是在其他地方庆祝的,贝博体彩app人也总是努力把它变成自己的节日. 以万圣节为例,各个年龄段的贝博体彩app人历来都对万圣节充满热情. Nowhere is this more true than in the Castro. 这个城市的同性恋庆祝活动比纽约著名的格林威治村万圣节游行更著名.



This yuletide celebration, 狂欢者打扮成他们最喜欢的节日角色, may happen elsewhere, 但圣塔肯在这里更好,因为贝博体彩app的气候总是温和的. 有多少精灵能穿着牛仔裤和t恤在寒冷的北方走来走去? But if you're longing to get your ho, ho, 别这样,有很多红衣服和假胡子可供选择.

Carol High
Carol High

Carol是一名数字营销人员,为全球观众创造了丰富的旅游内容, San Francisco and the Bay Area, food & 喝酒,户外体验,讲跨文化故事. 她的作品发表于《贝博体彩app》和《贝博体彩app》(天际线学院). Before travel writing, 她的专业背景包括在国际商业领域工作, nonprofits, and government. 她和家人住在贝博体彩app,经常去她所在城市的公园游玩, especially untamed McLaren Park.

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